STOCKHOLM McDonalds restaurant at Arlanda airport close to Stockholm has started to serve beer with hamburgers.
Kategoriarkiv: In english
Notorious drunk drivers will be pin pointed
STOCKHOLM Notorious drunk drivers in Stockholm will be stopped. The police will pin point 62 people who have repeatedly been caught driving under the influence of alcohol, without a drivers license or are under influence of drugs.
Less alcohol, more drugs among young Swedes
VISBY The proportion of Swedish teenagers 15-16 years old who use illicit drugs increase again. Smoking as well. However, fewer teens drink alcohol, according to new data.
Higher fees for smokers
STOCKHOLM The insurance company Skandia in Sweden has from June 1 raised fees with up to 50 per cent for new customers who are daily smokers. The winners will be Skandias non-smoking customers.
”Sweden unique in fighting drugs”
ÖREBRO ”The world is closely following what Sweden is doing to combat drugs. You are unique with your united action and cultural policy against abuse.“ The former U.S. drugczar Robert DuPont delivered this tribute to the Swedish drug prevention struggle at a drugs convention in May.
Less Drug free treatment in Swedish prisons?
STOCKHOLM Collaboration between the Prison and probation service, the Centre of Drug dependence in Stockholm County and the social services, will be perpetuated in Stockholm. The question is now whether the Swedish prison system now is entering an era with more medical maintenance and less drug-free care.
Expections determine the outcome of Drug Policy
VIENNA We need to see more of successful examples in fighting drugs, writes Per Johansson, Secretary general National Association for a Drug-free Society, in this report from UN session Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Less dope in Stockholm restaurants
STOCKHOLM: There are less drugs at restaurants in Stockholm now than in 2001. According to a new report restaurant staff have been educated, toilets have been upgraded, lighting been improved and interaction with police and social services increased.
More prison places are needed in future
STOCKHOLM: Swedish law enforcement received 1,372 000 notifications of crime last year, an increase of 68 300 crimes or five per cent since the year before.
Weak Swedish currency raising alcohol prices
STOCKHOLM: A weak Swedish krona (SEK) leads to more expensive products for the consumers in the state alcohol retail monopoly – Systembolaget – from April 1st. It´s mainly the price of wine and spirits that will be affected.