The first ever Nils Bejerot Award for Global Prevention was today given to the UNODC Director Antonio Maria Costa at the conference World Forum Against Drugs in Stockholm. At the same ceremony he also was presented the Moxie Award by the Drug Free America Foundation for his work against drugs.
– Mr Antonio Maria Costa exemplifies the wisdom, compassion and unshakeable determination that recognize the distinguished professor Bejerots work, whom also is the father of the restrictive drug policy in Sweden, doctor Kerstin Käll said when she submitted the price.
Mr Costa – executive director of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – has been a beacon for the world in confronting the modern scourge of drug abuse. His vision is clear and his policy prescriptions are as direct and effective as those of professor Bejerot, rooted in a restrictive and balanced drug policy.
He has combined prevention and treatment with unwavering law enforcement aimed at both supply and demand. In a world increasingly confused by conflicting visions of drug policy, he has been a leader to all nations to the best policies to combat this new, chemical slavery.
Costa was also given the Moxie Award by Calvina Fay, director in Drug Free American Foundation, and is the first international recipient of this prestigious award.
To have moxie“ is to have the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage and to have skill and know-how. Director Costa has definitely shown that he has moxie in the face of being constantly attacked by advocates of drug legalization and normalization. He bravely stood his ground and pushed for sound drug policies that were in the best interest of the families of our global community.
– I am very surprised and deeply honoured for the privilege of getting these awards, Director Costa said after the ceremony.
Tema: WFAD
World Forum…
… Against Drugs. Första konferensen hölls i 2008 i Stockholm. Därpå tre till i Stockholm ( 2010, 2012 och i maj 2014 tillsammans med ECAD:s borgmästarkonferens). Det femte hölls 12-13 mars i Wien, i samband med FN:s 59:e CND-möte, inför Ungass.
• World Federation Against Drugs , WFAD, som ordnare konferenserna har nära 170 medlemsorganisationer från alla kontinenter.